Yogi Yojana |
- рдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ / рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा (рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди) 2021 рдЖрд╡ेрджрди / рдкंрдЬीрдХрд░рдг рдкрдд्рд░ | MP Mukhyamantri Kanya Vivah / Nikah Yojana (Kanyadan) 2021 Application / Registration Form
- AP Jagananna Chedodu Scheme 2021 for Nayee Brahmins (Hair Dressing), Rangrej (Tailoring) & Rajaka (Laundry)
- Rajasthan Jan Suchna Portal (рд░ाрдЬрд╕्рдеाрди рдЬрди рд╕ूрдЪрдиा рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓) Schemes List 2021 at jansoochna.rajasthan.gov.in | Check Services at Jan Soochna Website
- Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Shetkari Kisan Karj Mukti Yojana Application Form 2021
- AP YSR Rythu Bharosa Beneficiary List 2021 (District Wise) Download @ ysrrythubharosa.ap.gov.in
- National Tilhan Mission 2021 to Boost Oilseed Production by Central Government of India
- UP Old Age (Vridha) Pension Scheme 2021 Online Application Form [Apply for Rs. 500 Amount]
- Maharashtra Property Registration / Valuation / Land Records Tax Online Payment at registeringproperty.mahabhumi.gov.in [Maha Bhumi]
- PM Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY U) Online Application Form 2021 at pmaymis.gov.in
Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:53 AM PST **рдоेрд░े рдк्рдпाрд░े рд╕ाрдеिрдпों** рдЖрдЬ рд╣рдо рдЖрдкрдХो рдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ / рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा (рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди рд╕्рдХीрдо) 2021 рдЖрд╡ेрджрди / рдкंрдЬीрдХрд░рдг рдкрдд्рд░ рдХे рдмाрд░े рдоें рдмрддाрдПंрдЧे। рдЗрд╕ рд╕рд░рдХाрд░ी рд╕्рдХीрдо рдХो рд╕ाрд▓ 2006 рдоें рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди рдпोрдЬрдиा (CM Daughters Marriage Scheme) рдХे рдиाрдо рд╕े рд╢ुрд░ू рдХिрдпा рдЧрдпा рдеा рдкрд░рди्рддु рдирд╡ंрдмрд░ 2015 рдоें рдЗрд╕рдХा рдиाрдо рдмрджрд▓рдХрд░ рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ / рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХрд░ рджिрдпा рдЧрдпा। рдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рд╕рд░рдХाрд░ рдиे рд░ाрдЬ्рдп рдоें рд╕рднी рдЧрд░ीрдм, рдЬрд░ूрд░рддрдоंрдж рдФрд░ рдмेрд╕рд╣ाрд░ा рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░ों рдХी рд▓реЬрдХिрдпों /рд╡िрдзрд╡ाрдУं /рддрд▓ाрдХрд╢ुрджा рдорд╣िрд▓ाрдУं рдХी рд╢ाрджी рдХे рд▓िрдП рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдФрд░ рдиिрдХाрд╣ рд╕्рдХीрдо рдЪрд▓ाрдИ рд╣ुрдИ рд╣ै। рдЗрд╕ рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХे рддрд╣рдд рд╕ाрдоूрд╣िрдХ рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдХрд░рдиे рд╡ाрд▓ी рд╕рднी рдХрди्рдпाрдУं рдХी рд╢ाрджी рдкрд░ рд╕рд░рдХाрд░ 51,000 рд░ूрдкрдпे рдХी рд╡िрдд्рддीрдп рдорджрдж рдк्рд░рджाрди рдХрд░рддी рдеी। рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди рдпोрдЬрдиा рдоें рд▓ेрдЯैрд╕्рдЯ рдЕрдкрдбेрдЯ рд╣ै рдХी рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рд╢िрд╡рд░ाрдЬ рд╕िंрд╣ рдЪौрд╣ाрди рдиे рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдХी рдорджрдж рд░ाрд╢ि рдХो рдШрдЯाрдХрд░ рдлिрд░ рд╕े 28,000 рд░ुрдкрдП рдХрд░рдиे рдХा рдиिрд░्рдгрдп рд▓िрдпा рд╣ै। рддो рдЖрдЗрдП рдПрдордкी рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди рдпोрдЬрдиा рд╕े рдЬुрдбी рд╡िрд╕्рддृрдд рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рдЬैрд╕े рдЙрдж्рджेрд╢्рдп, рд▓ाрдн, рдСрдирд▓ाрдЗрди рдПрдк्рд▓ीрдХेрд╢рди / рд░рдЬिрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд╢рди рдлॉрд░्рдо рдХैрд╕े рднрд░ें, рдкाрдд्рд░рддा, рдХे рдмाрд░े рдоें рд╣рдо рдЖрдкрдХो рдмрддाрдиे рдЬा рд░рд╣े рд╣ै। рдЗрд╕ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХे рддрд╣рдд рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рдорджрдж рдк्рд░ाрдк्рдд рдХрд░рдиे рдХे рд▓िрдП рд╢ाрджी рдХे рд╕рдордп рдмेрдЯी рдХी рдЙрдо्рд░ 18 рд╕ाрд▓ рдпा рдЙрд╕рд╕े рдЕрдзिрдХ рд╣ोрдиी рдЪाрд╣िрдП। рдЬिрд╕ рд▓реЬрдХे рд╕े рдЙрд╕ рд▓реЬрдХी рдХी рд╢ाрджी рд╣ोрдиे рдЬा рд░рд╣ी рд╣ै рдЙрд╕ рд▓реЬрдХे рдХी рдЙрдо्рд░ 21 рд╕ाрд▓ рдпा рдЙрд╕рд╕े рдЕрдзिрдХ рд╣ोрдиी рдЪाрд╣िрдП। рддрднी рдПрдордкी рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХा рд▓ाрдн рдоिрд▓ рд╕рдХрддा рд╣ै। MP Kanyadan Yojana 2021 рдХे рддрд╣рдд рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рдХрд░рдиे рд╡ाрд▓ी рдХрди्рдпा рдХा рдиाрдо рд╕рдордЧ्рд░ рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓ рдкрд░ рд░ेрдЬिрд╕्рдЯрд░ рд╣ोрдиा рдЪाрд╣िрдП। рдЗрд╕ рд╕्рдХीрдо рдХे рддрд╣рдд рдордз्рдпрдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рдХी рд╕рднी рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рд░ूрдк рд╕े рдХрдордЬोрд░ рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░ рдХी рд▓реЬрдХिрдпों рдХो рд▓ाрднाрди्рд╡िрдд рдХिрдпा рдЬाрдПрдЧा। рдЕрдм рдЬाрдирддे рд╣ै рдЗрд╕ рд╕्рдХीрдо рд╕े рдЬुрдбी рдкूрд░ी рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рдЬिрд╕рд╕े рдЧрд░ीрдм рд▓реЬрдХिрдпों рдХे рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░ों рдХो рдорджрдж рдоिрд▓ рд╕рдХे। рдПрдордкी рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ / рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा 2021 рдЖрд╡ेрджрди / рдкंрдЬीрдХрд░рдг рдкрдд्рд░рд░ाрдЬ्рдп рдХे рдЬो рднी рдЗрдЪ्рдЫुрдХ рд▓ाрднाрд░्рдеी рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рд╕्рдХीрдо 2021 рдХे рддрд╣рдд рдЖрд╡ेрджрди / рдкंрдЬीрдХрд░рдг рдкрдд्рд░ рднрд░рдиा рдЪाрд╣рддे рд╣ै рддो рд╡рд╣ рдСрдирд▓ाрдЗрди рдПрд╡ं рдСрдлрд▓ाрдЗрди рджोрдиों рддрд░ीрдХे рд╕े рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рдХрд░ рд╕рдХрддे рд╣ै। рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди рдпोрдЬрдиा рдСрдирд▓ाрдЗрди рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рдХрд░рдиे рдХे рд▓िрдП рдЖрдк рдЗрд╕ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХी рдСрдлिрд╢िрдпрд▓ рд╡ेрдмрд╕ाрдЗрдЯ рдкрд░ рдЬाрдХрд░ рдХрд░ рд╕рдХрддे рд╣ै। рдЗрд╕ рдПрдордкी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рд╕्рдХीрдо 2021 рдХे рддрд╣рдд рд╕рд░рдХाрд░ рдж्рд╡्рд░ाрд░ा рджी рдЬाрдиे рд╡ाрд▓ी рдзрдирд░ाрд╢ि рд╕ीрдзे рдХрди्рдпा рдХे рдмैंрдХ рдЦाрддे рдоें рдЯ्рд░ांрд╕рдлрд░ рдХी рдЬाрдПрдЧी। рдЗрд╕рд▓िрдП рдЖрд╡ेрджрдХ рдХा рдЦुрдж рдХा рдЕрдкрдиा рдЦाрддा рд╣ोрдиा рдЬрд░ुрд░ी рд╣ै рдФрд░ рдмैंрдХ рдЦाрддा рдЖрдзाрд░ рдХाрд░्рдб рд╕े рд▓िंрдХ рд╣ोрдиा рдЪाрд╣िрдП। рдЗрд╕ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХा рд▓ाрдн рдХेрд╡рд▓ рдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рдХी рдХрди्рдпाрдУं рдХो рд╣ी рдоिрд▓ рд╕рдХрддा рд╣ै। рдЖрдЗрдпे рдЕрдм рд╣рдо рдЖрдкрдХो рдПрдордкी рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ / рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХे рддрд╣рдд рдПрдк्рд▓ीрдХेрд╢рди / рд░рдЬिрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд╢рди рдлॉрд░्рдо рднрд░рдиे рдХी рдкूрд░ी рдк्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпा рдмрддाрддे рд╣ैं। рдПрдордкी рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди рдпोрдЬрдиा рдПрдк्рд▓ीрдХेрд╢рди / рд░рдЬिрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд╢рди рдлॉрд░्рдо рдк्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпाрдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ / рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХा рд▓ाрдн рд▓ेрдиे рдХे рд▓िрдП рдЙрдо्рдоीрджрд╡ाрд░ों рдХो рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рдлॉрд░्рдо рднрд░рдиा рд╣ोрдЧा। рдПрдордкी рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди рдпोрдЬрдиा рдкंрдЬीрдХрд░рдг рдлॉрд░्рдо рднрд░рдиे рдХे рд▓िрдП рдиिрдо्рдирд▓िрдЦिрдд рдЪрд░рдгों рдХा рдкाрд▓рди рдХрд░ рд╕рдХрддे рд╣ै:-
рдЗрд╕ рд╕्рдХीрдо рдХी рдоुрдЦ्рдп рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖рддा рдпрд╣ рднी рд╣ै рдХि рдЗрд╕рд╕े рд╕рдоाрдЬ рдХे рд╕рднी рд╡рд░्рдЧ рд▓ाрднाрди्рд╡िрдд рд╣ुрдП рд╣ै। рд╣िрди्рджू рдФрд░ рдоुрд╕्рд▓िрдо рдзрд░्рдо рдХे рдЬोреЬो рдХी рд╢ाрджी рдХो рдПрдХ рд╣ी рдЬрдЧрд╣ рдкрд░ рдХрд░ाрдпा рдЬाрддा рд╣ै। рдЬो рди рдХेрд╡рд▓ рд╕ाрдоाрдЬिрдХ рд╕ांрдордЬрд╕्рдп рдХो рдмреЭाрддा рд╣ै рдмрд▓्рдХि рд╢ाрджिрдпों рдоें рд╣ोрдиे рд╡ाрд▓े рдЕрдиाрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рдЦрд░्рдЪे рдХो рднी рдХрдо рдХрд░рддा рд╣ै। рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди рдпोрдЬрдиा рдПрдордкी рдСрдлрд▓ाрдЗрди рдЕрдк्рд▓ाрдИрдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рдоें рдРрд╕े рд▓ोрдЧ рд╣ै рдЬो рдХि рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рд░ूрдк рд╕े рдмрд╣ुрдд рдХрдордЬोрд░ рд╣ोрдиे рдХी рд╡рдЬрд╣ рд╕े рдЕрдкрдиी рдмेрдЯिрдпों рдХी рд╢ाрджी рдирд╣ीं рдХрд░ рдкाрддे рдФрд░ рдЧрд░ीрдм рд╣ोрдиे рдХि рд╡рдЬрд╣ рд╕े рдЕрдкрдиे рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░ рдХी рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рдЬрд░ूрд░рдд рдХो рднी рдкूрд░ा рдирд╣ीं рдХрд░ рдкाрддे рд╣ै। рдЗрди्рд╣ी рд╕рднी рд╕рдорд╕्рдпों рдХो рджेрдЦрддे рд╣ुрдП рдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рд╕рд░рдХाрд░ рдиे рдЗрд╕ рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рд╕्рдХीрдо 2021 рдХो рд╢ुрд░ू рдХिрдпा рд╣ै। рдЗрд╕ рд╕्рдХीрдо рдХे рдЕंрддрд░्рдЧрдд рдЧрд░ीрдм рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░ рдХी рдХрди्рдпाрдУं рдФрд░ рд╡िрдзрд╡ा рдорд╣िрд▓ाрдУं рдХी рд╢ाрджी рдХे рд▓िрдП 28,000 рд░ूрдкрдпे рдХी рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рдорджрдж рдк्рд░рджाрди рдХрд░рдиा। рдЬिрд╕рд╕े рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рд░ूрдк рд╕े рдХрдордЬोрд░ рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░ рдЕрдкрдиी рдХрди्рдпा рдХी рд╢ाрджी рдЕрдЪ्рдЫे рд╕े рдХрд░ рд╕рдХрддे рд╣ै। рдПрдордкी рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ / рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा 2021 рдХे рдкाрдд्рд░рддा рдоाрдирджंрдбрдЬो рдЖрд╡ेрджрдХ рдПрдордкी рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ / рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा 2021 рдХे рдкाрдд्рд░рддा рдоाрдирджंрдбों рдХो рдкूрд░ा рдХрд░ेंрдЧे, рд╡े рд╣ी рдХेрд╡рд▓ рдЗрд╕ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХे рд▓िрдП рдкाрдд्рд░ рд╣ोंрдЧे:-
рдЗрд╕рдХे рдЕрд▓ाрд╡ा рдЬिрд╕ рдорд╣िрд▓ा рдХा реШाрдиूрдиी рд░ूрдк рд╕े рддрд▓ाрдХ рд╣ो рдЧрдпा рд╣ो, рд╡рд╣ рднी рдЗрд╕ рдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ / рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХा рд▓ाрдн рд▓े рд╕рдХрддी рд╣ै। рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ / рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा 2021 рдХे рд▓िрдП рдЬрд░ुрд░ी рджрд╕्рддाрд╡ेрдЬों рдХी рд╕ूрдЪीрдЪाрд╣े рдЖрдкрдиे рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди рдпोрдЬрдиा рдЖрд╡ेрджрди / рдкंрдЬीрдХрд░рдг рдлॉрд░्рдо рдСрдирд▓ाрдЗрди рдоाрдз्рдпрдо рд╕े рдпा рдСрдлрд▓ाрдЗрди рдоाрдз्рдпрдо рд╕े рдк्рд░ाрдк्рдд рдХिрдпा рд╣ो, рд╕рднी рдХो рдиिрдоिрди्рд▓िрдЦिрдд рджрд╕्рддाрд╡ेрдЬ рд╕ंрд▓рдЧ्рди рдХрд░рдиे рд╣ोंрдЧे:-
рдЗрди рд╕рднी рджрд╕्рддाрд╡ेрдЬों рдХे рд╕рдд्рдпाрдкрди рдХे рдмाрдж рд╣ी рдПрдордкी рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдПрдк्рд▓ीрдХेрд╢рди / рд░рдЬिрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ेрд╢рди рдлॉрд░्рдо рд╕्рд╡ीрдХृрдд рдХिрдпा рдЬाрдПрдЧा। рдПрдордкी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा рд▓ाрднाрд░्рдеी рд╕ूрдЪी 2021рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рд╕्рдХीрдо рдХे рд▓ाрднाрд░्рдеिрдпों рдХी рд╕ूрдЪी рднी рдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓ рдкрд░ рдЙрдкрд▓рдм्рдз рд╣ै рдЬिрд╕े рдЗрд╕ рд▓िंрдХ рд╕े рдЪेрдХ рдХрд░ рд╕рдХрддे рд╣ै: http://mpvivahportal.nic.in/Public/Pages/List_Of_Verified_Beneficiaries.aspx рдЗрд╕ рд▓िंрдХ рдкрд░ рдХ्рд▓िрдХ рдХрд░рдиे рдкрд░ рдордк्рд░ рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди рдпोрдЬрдиा рд▓ाрднाрд░्рдеी рд▓िрд╕्рдЯ рдЦोрдЬрдиे рдХा рдкेрдЬ рдЦुрд▓ рдЬाрдПрдЧा:-рд▓ाрднाрд░्рдеी рд╕ूрдЪी рджेрдЦрдиे рдХे рд▓िрдП рдЖрдкрдХो рдЬिрд▓ा, рдЬрдирдкрдж рдкंрдЪाрдпрдд,рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХा рдиाрдо рдФрд░ рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рджिрдиांрдХ рдХा рдЪрдпрди рдХрд░рдиा рд╣ै рдФрд░ рдлिрд░ рдЖрдкрдХे рд╕ाрдордиे рдХुрдЫ рдЗрд╕ рддрд░рд╣ рдХी рд╕ूрдЪी рдЦुрд▓ рдЬाрдПрдЧी।рдЗрд╕ рдПрдордкी рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди рдпोрдЬрдиा рд▓ाрднाрд░्рдеी рд▓िрд╕्рдЯ рдоें рд╕рднी рд▓ोрдЧ рдЕрдкрдиा рдиाрдо рдЖрд╕ाрдиी рд╕े рдЪेрдХ рдХрд░ рд╕рдХрддे рд╣ैं।рдордз्рдпрдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ / рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рдХी рд╕्рддिрдеि (рдПрдк्рд▓ीрдХेрд╢рди рд╕्рдЯेрдЯрд╕)рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХे рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рдХी рд╡рд░्рддрдоाрди рджрд╢ा рджेрдЦрдиे рдХे рд▓िрдП рдиीрдЪे рджिрдП рдЧрдП рд▓िंрдХ рдкрд░ рдЬाрдХрд░ рд╡рд░ рдпा рд╡рдзू рдХी рд╕рдордЧ्рд░ рдЖрдИрдбी рдбाрд▓ें рдФрд░ "рд╕рджрд╕्рдп рдХी рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рджेрдЦे" рдмрдЯрди рдкрд░ рдХ्рд▓िрдХ рдХрд░े। рдЬिрд╕рдХे рдмाрдж рдЖрдкрдХो рдЖрдкрдХे рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рдХी рд╕्рддिрдеि рдХे рдмाрд░े рдоें рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рдоिрд▓ рдЬाрдПрдЧी।рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рджрд╢ा рдХे рд▓िрдП рд╕ीрдзा рд▓िंрдХ рдЗрд╕ рдк्рд░рдХाрд░ рд╣ै:http://mpvivahportal.nic.in/Public/Track_Application_Status_By_SamagraID.aspx рдЗрд╕ рд▓िंрдХ рдкрд░ рдЬाрдиे рд╕े рдПрдордкी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдПрдк्рд▓ीрдХेрд╢рди рд╕्рдЯेрдЯрд╕ рдЦोрдЬрдиे рдХा рдкेрдЬ рдЦुрд▓ рдЬाрдПрдЧा:- рд╕рднी рд▓ाрднाрд░्рдеी рдпा рддो рд╡рд░ рдХी рд╕рдордЧ्рд░ рдЖрдИрдбी рдХे рдж्рд╡ाрд░ा рдпा рдлिрд░ рд╡рдзु рдХी рд╕рдордЧ्рд░ рдЖрдИрдбी рдХे рдж्рд╡ाрд░ा рдЖрд╡ेрджрди / рдкंрдЬीрдХрд░рдг рдХी рд╕्рддिрдеि рджेрдЦ рд╕рдХрддे рд╣ैं। рдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓ рдирдпी рдЕрдкрдбेрдЯрдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рдХे рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рд╢िрд╡рд░ाрдЬ рд╕िंрд╣ рдЪौрд╣ाрди рдЬी рдиे рдЗрд╕ рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓ рдоें рдПрдХ рдмреЬा рдмрджрд▓ाрд╡ рдХिрдпा рд╣ै। рдЗрд╕ рд╕्рдХीрдо рдХे рддрд╣рдд рдкूрд░्рд╡ рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрдорд▓рдиाрде рд╕рд░рдХाрд░ рдж्рд╡ाрд░ा рд░ाрдЬ्рдп рдХी рдХрди्рдпाрдУं рдХी рд╢ाрджी рдХे рд▓िрдП 51,000 рд░ूрдкрдпे рдХी рдзрдирд░ाрд╢ि рдк्рд░рджाрди рдХрд░ рд░рд╣ी рдеी рдЬिрд╕рдоे рдЕрдм 2021 рдоें рд╢िрд╡рд░ाрдЬ рд╕िंрд╣ рдЪौрд╣ाрди рдЬी рдХी рд╕рд░рдХाрд░ рдиे рдмрджрд▓ाрд╡ рдХрд░рдиे рдлैрд╕рд▓ा рд▓िрдпा рд╣ै। рдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рд╕рд░рдХाрд░ рдиे рдХрди्рдпाрдУ рдХो 51 рд╣рдЬाрд░ рд░ूрдкрдпे рдХी рдзрдирд░ाрд╢ि рджेрдиे рд╕े рдордиा рдХрд░ рджिрдпा рд╣ै। рдЗрд╕ рд╕्рдХीрдо рдХे рддрд╣рдд рд╢िрд╡рд░ाрдЬ рд╕िंрд╣ рдЪौрд╣ाрди рдЬी рдиे рдХрди्рдпाрдУं рдХो 28 рд╣рдЬाрд░ рд░ूрдкрдпे рджेрдиे рдХा рдлैрд╕рд▓ा рд▓िрдпा рд╣ै।рдПрдордкी рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпाрджाрди рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХे рд▓ाрднрдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ / рдиिрдХाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा 2021 рдХे рд▓ाрдн рдЗрд╕ рдк्рд░рдХाрд░ рд╣ैं:-
рдордз्рдп рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рдХрди्рдпा рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдпोрдЬрдиा рдЯोрд▓ рдл्рд░ी рдиंрдмрд░рдЕрдЧрд░ рдХिрд╕ी рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддि рдХो рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рдХрд░рдиे рдХे рдХोрдИ рдкрд░ेрд╢ाрдиी рдЖ рд░рд╣ी рд╣ै рддो рд╡рд╣ рдЗрд╕ рдЯोрд▓ рдл्рд░ी рдиंрдмрд░ рдкрд░ рд╕ंрдкрд░्рдХ рдХрд░рдХे рдЕрдкрдиी рдкрд░ेрд╢ाрдиी рдХो рд╣рд▓ рдХрд░ рд╕рдХрддे рд╣ै:-рд╕ी.рдПрдо.рд╣ेрд▓्рдкрд▓ाрдЗрди: 181 рдиिःрд╢рдХ्рддों рдХे рд▓िрдП: 1800 233 4397 рдХेंрдж्рд░ рд╕рд░рдХाрд░ рдХी рджिрд╡्рдпांрдЧрдЬрди рд╕ूрдЪрдиा рд▓ाрдЗрди: 1800 233 5956 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:51 AM PST Andhra Pradesh government has started AP Jagananna Chedodu Scheme 2021 in the state. In this scheme, the state govt. will provide Rs. 10,000 per annum to occupational groups. These includes people from nayee brahmins, rangrej and rajaka caste. Their respective occupational groups are hair dressing (naayi), tailoring / needling and laundry. CM Jagan Mohan Reddy has marked the official launch of this scheme. This assistance under AP Jagan Anna Chedodu Scheme 2021 is required for occupational category people to survive in the growing competition. These people who depend on daily earnings can sustain their livelihood with the assistance amount and lead a life of dignity and honour. As it was a pre-poll promise of the CM YS Jagan led YSRCP government, so the state govt. will implement this scheme soon. AP Jagananna Chedodu Scheme 2021 for Occupational GroupsThe salient features and highlights of the Andhra Pradesh Jagan Anna Chedodu Scheme 2021 are listed in the table below:-
The people from the 3 castes who are Jagananna Chedodu Scheme beneficiaries constitute over 16% of the entire AP population. (as per the official data). Accordingly to benefit such a mass section of society, CM is going to launch Jagan Anna Chedodu Scheme 2021 to give them assistance of Rs. 10,000 per annum. All the beneficiaries can utilize this money for growing their own business or for any other personal use. It is the first-of-its-kind initiative in India where assistance is given to occupational category people for their welfare. People engaged in hair dressing, tailoring or laundry business generally requires money to purchase their working tools for which they have to borrow money from the market. This money comes at a huge interest rate from market. So, to ensure that people from the above mentioned 3 castes does not falls into debt trap, the govt. has started AP Jagananna Chedodu Scheme 2021. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:30 AM PST рд░ाрдЬрд╕्рдеाрди рдХे рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдЕрд╢ोрдХ рдЧрд╣рд▓ोрдд рдЬी рдиे рдЬрди рд╕ूрдЪрдиा рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓ (jansoochna.rajasthan.gov.in) рд▓ॉрди्рдЪ рдХिрдпा рд╣ै। рдЗрд╕ рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓ рдХे рдоाрдз्рдпрдо рд╕े рд░ाрдЬ्рдп рдХे рд▓ोрдЧ рд░ाрдЬрд╕्рдеाрди рдоें рдЪрд▓ рд░рд╣ी рд╕рд░рдХाрд░ी рдпोрдЬрдиाрдУ рдФрд░ рд╕ेрд╡ाрдУं рдХी рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рдШрд░ рдмैрдаे рдЖрд╕ाрдиी рд╕े рдк्рд░ाрдк्рдд рдХрд░ рд╕рдХрддे рд╣ै ।рдЕрднी Rajasthan Jan Soochna Portal рдкрд░ рд▓рдЧрднрдЧ 54 рд╡िрднाрдЧ рдХी 94 рдпोрдЬрдиाрдУं рдФрд░ рд╕ेрд╡ाрдУं рдХे рдЬुрдбी рд╕рднी рдЬाрдирдХाрд░िрдпाँ рд░ाрдЬ्рдп рдХे рдЖрдо рдЬрди рдХो рдЙрдкрд▓рдм्рдз рдХрд░ाрдИ рдЬा рд░рд╣ी рд╣ै। рдпे рдЬाрди рд╕ूрдЪрдиा рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓ рд░ाрдЬрд╕्рдеाрди рдЗрдиोрд╡ेрд╢рди рдоिрд╢рди (RAJIV) рдХो рд▓ाрдЧू рдХрд░рдиे рдХी рджिрд╢ा рдоें рдЕрдЧрд▓ा рдХрджрдо рд╣ै | рд░ाрдЬрд╕्рдеाрди рдЬрди рд╕ूрдЪрдиा рдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓ рдкрд░ 94 рдпोрдЬрдиाрдУं рдХी рд╕ूрдЪी (Rajasthan Jan Suchna Portal Schemes List)Rajasthan Jan Suchna Portal complete list of 94 schemes / services available at jansoochna.rajasthan.gov.in portal, check details in the table here:-
Rajasthan Jan Soochna Portal рд╕ूрдЪрдиा рдк्рд░ौрдж्рдпोрдЧिрдХी рдПрд╡ं рд╕ंрдЪाрд░ рд╡िрднाрдЧ рдж्рд╡ाрд░ा рддैрдпाрд░ рдХी рдЧрдпी рдПрдХ рдРрд╕ा рдЖрдзुрдиिрдХ рддрд░ीрдХा рд╣ै рдЬिрд╕рдХे рдоाрдз्рдпрдо рд╕े рд░ाрдЬ्рдп рдХे рдЖрдо рдиाрдЧрд░िрдХो рдХो рд╕рд░рдХाрд░ी рдпोрдЬрдиाрдУ рдФрд░ рд╕ेрд╡ाрдУं рд╕े рдЬुрдбी рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рд╕рд░рд▓ рднाрд╖ा рдоें рдЖрд╕ाрдиी рд╕े рдЙрдкрд▓рдм्рдз рдХрд░ाрдпा рдЬाрдпेрдЧा | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Shetkari Kisan Karj Mukti Yojana Application Form 2021 Posted: 07 Jan 2021 10:59 PM PST рдорд╣ाрд░ाрд╖्рдЯ्рд░ рдХे рдоुрдЦ्рдпрдоंрдд्рд░ी рдЙрдж्рдзрд╡ рдаाрдХрд░े рдиे рдорд╣ाрдд्рдоा рдЬ्рдпोрддिрд░ाрд╡ рдлूрд▓े рд╢ेрддрдХрд░ी рдХрд░्рдЬ рдоुрдХ्рддि рдпोрдЬрдиा 2021 рдХी рдШोрд╖рдгा рдХी, рдЕрдм рд╕рднी рдХिрд╕ाрдиों рдХा 2 рд▓ाрдЦ рддрдХ рд╣ोрдЧा реШрд░्реЫ рдоाреЮ, рд╕рднी рдлрд╕рд▓ рдЛрдг рдЬो рдХी 30 рд╕िрддрдо्рдмрд░ 2019 рддрдХ рдмрдХाрдпा рд╣ैं, рдЙрди рд╕рднी рдХो рд╣ोрдЧा рдЗрд╕ рд▓ोрди рд╡ेрд╡рд░ рд╕्рдХीрдо рдХा рд▓ाрдн, рдЬाрдиिрдпे рдХ्рдпा рд╣ै рдСрдирд▓ाрдЗрди рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рдлॉрд░्рдо рднрд░рдиे рдХी рдк्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпा, рдмैंрдХ рд╕े рдХैрд╕े рд▓ाрдн рдк्рд░ाрдк्рдд рдХрд░ें рдФрд░ рд▓ाрднाрд░्рдеी рд╕ूрдЪी рдоें рдЕрдкрдиा рдиाрдо рджेрдЦें|Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Shetkari Loan Waiver Scheme for farmers is announced by Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi (MVA) govt. led by CM Uddhav Thackeray. The state govt. will waive off loans upto Rs. 2 lakh under Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Farm Loan Waiver Scheme 2021 in Maharashtra. All the crop loans outstanding upto 30 September 2019 will be covered in this Kisan Karz Mafi Yojana. Check complete apply offline process to avail benefits of Jyotirao Phule Shetkari Karj Mukti Yojana.A new farm loan waiver scheme in Maharashtra was a pre poll promise of the Shiv Sena government. Chief Minister said "Crop loans outstanding till September 30, 2019, will be waived by MVA government. The upper ceiling for the amount is Rs two lakh. The scheme will be called Mahatma Jyotirao Phule loan waiver scheme". Check your name in first Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Shetkari Karj Mafi Yojana list of beneficiaries. Moreover, a special scheme in Maharashtra would be offered for the farmers who repay their loans on time. The Crop Loan waiver scheme (Karj Mukti) would be unconditional and details would be communicated by the chief minister's office in due course. Maharashtra Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Shetkari Loan Waiver Scheme Apply OnlineMaharashtra govt. has announced a loan waiver of upto Rs. 2 lakh for farmers with cut off date of 30 September 2019. The Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Farmer Loan Waiver Scheme of the newly formed Shiv Sena, NCP & Congress coalition regime comes over two years after the Rs. 34,000 crore loan waiver announced by the then BJP-Sena government. Previously, the state govt. had launched the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Shetkari Samman Yojana (рдЫрдд्рд░рдкрддी рд╢िрд╡ाрдЬी рдорд╣ाрд░ाрдЬ рд╢ेрддрдХрд░ी рд╕рди्рдоाрди рд╕рди реирежрезрен рдХрд░्рдЬрдоाрдлी рд╡िрддрд░рдг рдпोрдЬрдиा) in 2017. There would be no online application process for this scheme (рдорд╣ाрдд्рдоा рдЬ्рдпोрддिрд░ाрд╡ рдлूрд▓े рдХिрд╕ाрди рдХрд░्рдЬ рдоुрдХ्рддि рдпोрдЬрдиा рдСрдирд▓ाрдЗрди рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рдлॉрд░्рдо рдирд╣ीं рд╣ैं). The farmers will have to go to the banks to avail Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Shetkari Karj Mukti Yojana (рдХिрд╕ाрдиों рдХो рдмैंрдХ рдоें рдЖрдзाрд░ рдХाрд░्рдб рд▓ेрдХрд░ рдЬाрдиा рд╣ोрдЧा). The complete process to apply offline is described in the section below. CM Uddhav Thackeray has made this announcement in the legislative assembly on the last day of winter session of legislature. However, there was no word on how much financial burden the new Farm Loan Waiver Scheme in Maharashtra would put on the state treasury. Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Loan Waiver Scheme would require minimum documentation and would be hassle free. Member of Parliament (MP), state legislators and government employees will not receive the benefit of Maharashtra Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Shetkari Karj Mukti Yojana. The new Kisan Karz Mafi Yojana will cover farmers who cultivate fruit trees and sugarcane as well as conventional crops. Maharashtra Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Loan Waiver Scheme Offline ApplicationThe state govt. will make a film for farmers to better understand the application procedure for Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Farm Loan Waiver Scheme. No person will have to stand in long queues unlike previous CSMSSY loan waiver scheme. All the farmers who wish to avail benefits of crop loan waiver scheme will need to approach their bank only with Aadhaar card. Upon reaching the banks, Bank officials will take the person's thumb print and the government will transfer the amount to the loan account of the farmer. In addition to this, it is important to note that no online form submission will be needed for Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Farm Loan Waiver Scheme 2021. Opposition of Maharashtra Jyotirao Phule Shetkari Karj Mukti YojanaFormer CM and current leader of opposition, Devendra Fadnavis alleged that the government had not fulfilled its original promise of full loan waiver. He questioned the govt's failure to provide financial assistance of Rs. 25,000 per hectare to farmers who suffered losses due to unseasonal rain. Fadnavis and other BJP MLAs then staged a walk out in protest of Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Farm Loan Waiver Scheme. Moreover, Devendra Fadnavis also alleged that the scheme will benefit very few farmers as most of them were already covered by his government's CSMSSY 2017 scheme. He said that the govt. is cheating farmers as it is not offering full loan waiver. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AP YSR Rythu Bharosa Beneficiary List 2021 (District Wise) Download @ ysrrythubharosa.ap.gov.in Posted: 07 Jan 2021 10:41 PM PST Andhra Pradesh govt. has stared YSR Rythu Bharosa Scheme for farmers and first list of beneficiaries is now available at ysrryhtubharosa.ap.gov.in. All the applicants who had applied online can now check their name in the AP Dr. YSR Rythu Bharosa district wise beneficiary list 2021. The YSR Rythu Bharosa Scheme registration process is still ongoing and new beneficiaries would be included in the final beneficiary list. The first survey of farmers was conducted by AP govt. from 8th to 25 September 2019. There were total 66,54,891 farmers in AP out of which only 6,04,676 farmers left unsurveyed. The total number of beneficiary families are 47,71,005 along with 61,999 ROFR cultivators. All those farmers whose name is not present in the AP YSR Rythu Bharosa Scheme List of beneficiaries can now apply online and make registration. Those farmer's name would be included in the AP YSR Rythu Bharosa Final Beneficiary List. AP YSR Rythu Bharosa Scheme List 2021On completion of AP YSR Rythu Bharosa Scheme apply online process, applicants can check their name in beneficiary list. Here is the complete process to check name in the AP YSR Rythu Bharosa Scheme first list of beneficiaries:-
![]() AP YSR Rythu Bharosa Scheme Login AP YSR Rythu Bharosa Scheme District Wise Beneficiary ListThe district wise data for AP YSR Rythu Bharosa Scheme is now available. People can now check the total number of Kathas submitted to AEO / MPEO and Kathas verified by MAO. This complete information is available through the link given below:- http://ysrrythubharosa.ap.gov.in/RBApp/index.htmlThe entire list of farmers on a district wise basis can be checked here as shown below:- ![]() AP YSR Rythu Bharosa District Wise List AP YSR Rythu Bharosa district wise beneficiary list contains all the information about the district name, total farmers, total farmers unsurveyed, total families and ROFR cultivators. AP Dr. YSR Rythu Bharosa District Wise Data also comprises of information of Kathas submitted to AEO / MPEO which are either approved or pending or rejected. Along with this, the district wise data also contain information of Kathas verified by MAO which are either approved or pending or rejected. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Tilhan Mission 2021 to Boost Oilseed Production by Central Government of India Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:48 AM PST Central government is going to launch National Tilhan Mission 2021 in the country. This initiative is to boost oilseeds production and country self reliant in oilseed production. This Tilhan Mission by Union govt. of India will boost Indian economy as it will reduce imports and raise exports. Thus the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the nation will improve. The main objective of National Tilhan Mission 2021 is to encourage local farmers to produce oilseeds and thereby reducing import of edible oils. Agriculture Minister, Narendra Singh Tomar, has made this announcement of starting Tilhan Mission on the occasion of Soil Health Card Day. PM Narendra Modi led central govt. is working hard to enhance oilseed production in the country. National Tilhan Mission 2021 by Central Govt.Just like India is self reliant in foodgrains production because of farmers hard-work, govt. wants to raise oilseed production too. For this purpose, central govt. has launched National Tilhan Mission 2021. India is a major oilseeds grower and importer of edible oil. The vegetable oil economy of India is world's 4 largest after USA, China & Brazil.Oilseeds accounts for 13% of gross cropped area, 3% of gross national product, 10% value of all agricultural commodities. From 1999 to 2009, annual growth rate of oilseeds area, production and yield were 2.44%, 5.47% and 2.96% respectively. India has diverse agro-ecological conditions which are favourable for 9 annual oilseed crops. These include 7 edible oilseeds such as groundnut, rapeseed & mustard, soyabean. sunflower, sesame, safflower and niger. Moreover, there are 2 non-edible oilseeds like castor and linseed. In the past few yeas, domestic consumption of edible oils is raised to 20.4 million tonnes in 2017. A large portion of edible oils is met from import of palm oil from Indonesia and Malaysia. So there is need to exploit domestic resources to maximize production of edible oil in India. Palm Oil is new crop with highest vegetable oil yielding capacity. So, govt. will now launch National Tilhan Mission to boost Oilseeds production in the country. Various Tree Borne Oilseeds (TBOs) such as sal, mahua, simarouba, kokum, olive, karanja, jatropha, neem, jojoba, cheura are also cultivated in India. These are grown in different agro climatic conditions in scattered form in forest / non-forest areas / waste land / deserts / hilly areas. These TBOs are even good source of vegetable oil and govt. wants to support their cultivation under National Tilhan Mission 2021. Soil Health Card Scheme of Indian Govt.After the launch of Soil Health Card Scheme in 2015, soil fertility is increased which leads to more crop production. Agriculture is the most important pillar of Indian economy and its contribution is 14% in the total GDP. The central govt. has also announced 2 major decisions in interest of farmers.Central govt. will create 10,000 Farmers Producer Organisation (FPO) in India with an outlay of over Rs. 6,000 crore. Moreover, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana will not be mandatory for farmers and it will be voluntary (optional) for farmers. Soil Health Card Scheme plays an important role in Doubling Farmers Income by 2022. In the past 5 years, crop production is continuously on a rise due to proper distribution of Soil Health Cards to farmers. Farmers are also following instruction given to raise their production. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UP Old Age (Vridha) Pension Scheme 2021 Online Application Form [Apply for Rs. 500 Amount] Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:49 PM PST рдЙрдд्рддрд░ рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рд╡ृрдж्рдзाрд╡рд╕्рдеा рдкेंрд╢рди рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХे рдЕंрддрд░्рдЧрдд 500 рд░ुрдкрдпे рдк्рд░рддि рдоाрд╣ рдХे рд▓िрдП рдСрдирд▓ाрдЗрди рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рдлॉрд░्рдо рднрд░ेंUP Old Age Pension Scheme amount for elderly people raised by Rs. 100 by Uttar Pradesh cabinet headed CM Yogi Adityanath, all the senior citizens to get Rs. 500 under UP Vridha Pension Yojana. Apply online by filling UP Old Age Pension Form Online Application at sspy-up.gov.inрдЙрдд्рддрд░ рдк्рд░рджेрд╢ рд╡ृрдж्рдзाрд╡рд╕्рдеा рдкेंрд╢рди рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХे рдЕंрддрд░्рдЧрдд рдоिрд▓рдиे рд╡ाрд▓ी рдкेंрд╢рди рдЕрдм 500 рд░ुрдкрдпे рдк्рд░рддि рдоाрд╣, рдпोрдЧी рдЖрджिрдд्рдпрдиाрде рдХी рдирдпी рд╡ृрдж्рдзрдЬрди рдкेंрд╢рди рдпोрдЬрдиा рдХे рд▓िрдП рдСрдирд▓ाрдЗрди рдЖрд╡ेрджрди рдлॉрд░्рдо рднрд░ें Now all the senior citizens (Vriddhjan) either in age group of 60 to 79 years or above 80 years will get same pension amount of Rs. 500 p.m. In order to avail the pension benefits of UP Old Age Pension Scheme, elderly people must not be a beneficiary of UP Widow Pension Scheme, UP Viklang Pensions Scheme or other schemes. All the old age people will not have to unnecessary visits to the govt. offices rather they can simply apply online for UP Vridhavastha Pension Yojana. How to Apply Online for UP Old Age Pension SchemeAll the candidates can fill the online application form for UP Old Age Pension Scheme as mentioned below:-
All the senior citizens must physically submit the completed application form to DSWO / DPO / DHWO office within 1 month from the date of Final Submission. All the candidates are advised to see the UP Old Age Pension Scheme application format through the link - Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Vridhavastha Pension Scheme Application Format UP Vridha Pension Yojana Documents ListThese documents must be attached with the completed UP Vridhavastha Pension Scheme online application form:- -- Recent Passport Size Photograph (рдлोрдЯो) -- Birth / Age Certificate (рдЬрди्рдо / рдЖрдпुрдк्рд░рдоाрдг рдкрдд्рд░) -- Identity Proof (рдкрд╣рдЪाрди рдк्рд░рдоाрдг рдкрдд्рд░) – Voter Card / Aadhaar Card / Ration Card -- Bank Passbook (рдмैंрдХ рдкाрд╕рдмुрдХ) -- Income Certificate (рдЖрдп рдк्рд░рдоाрдг рдкрдд्рд░) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:41 PM PST Maharashtra govt. has launched Integrated Property Registration Portal at the official website at registeringproperty.mahabhumi.gov.in. This Maharashtra land records portal is now functional to make home buying process online. The new Maha Bhumi Portal will ensure faster purchase and registration of properties. At this platform, integrated information pertaining to Land Registration is made available to citizens at single window. The new Maharashtra Property Registration Portal is as per World Bank EoDB mandate. The Maha Bhoomi portal is specifically designed to present results of all checks pertaining to land in one report with consolidated payment gateway. The Property Valuation and Land Tax Online Payment facility is also available at the MahaBhumi portal. Citizens would be able to find property related transactions, dues - encumbrances on property, ownership details and utility bill dues etc before registering property. Maha Bhumi Portal is designed to fetch 'as is data' from existing portals of stakeholders. These includes MCGM, CERSAI, IGR, Land Records and Utility Bills. The citizen portal would display information received from both paid and unpaid portals. The new Registering Property Mahabhumi portal will have provision of payment gateway for making payments for paid services. Maharashtra Property Online Registration / Login Form [Apply at Maha Bhumi]This single window property information portal in Maharashtra provides information regarding rights, land records, tax, bills, dues etc. Here is the complete process to make Maharashtra Property Online Registration and Login:-
People would be able to access land records details at the Maha Bhumi Property Registration portal. Apply now and avail the benefits of online property registration process. Maha Bhumi Land / Property Registration Portal Legal ChecksThe following 1st section of legal checks must be carried out while making land or property registration in Maharashtra:- 1) Records of Rights (RORS) - Check to find out whether the seller's name appears as the holder in RoR. 2) Maps - Check the location of the land parcel and its approximate dimensions. 3) Registration History Search - Check to find out whether the chain of transactions clearly establishes seller's title. 4) Disputes in Revenue Courts - Check to find whether any dispute is pending in revenue or civil court. Maharashtra Property Valuation In Maharashtra Land RecordsThis 3rd section includes the following property related details which are below:- 1) Valuation & Calculation of Stamp Duty - Know the valuation and calculate the Stamp Duty / Registration fee to be paid. 2) Public Data Entry - Enter data of your transaction to avoid errors and to speed up registration. 3) Appointment - Book your convenient date and time to register deed. 4) Checklist for regular registration - Please ensure the following for faster registration at the Sub Registrar's Office. Maharashtra Property Tax Online Payment / Financial ChecksHere is the 2nd section of Maharashtra Property Registration Financial Checks which must be followed for land tax payment online:- 1) Financial Dues on Land Parcel - Verify encumbrances / financial dues. Get land ownership details from Record of Rights (RoR) as mentioned in 1st section and in RoR the other rights column denotes dues on land parcel. 2) Property Tax / Water Charges Dues - Check the property tax payable to local bodies in their websites. 3) Electricity Charges Dues - Check the Electricity Dues payable by checking utilities available. 4) CERSAI - Check for the mortgages creates and loans extended by the banks. 5) Company Charges - Check for the charges created in the name of the company. Maharashtra Property Mutation Application & DetailsHere is the 4th section which deals with Maharashtra Property Mutation:- 1) Application - Apply to the concerned Talathi / City Survey Office with the required documents. There is no need to apply for documents registered in rural land records and Mumbai. 2) Status of Mutation - Check the status of your mutation application. 3) Verify Status of Updation in RoR - If documents are found correct, mutation would be approved. Check for RoRs for land records details | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PM Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY U) Online Application Form 2021 at pmaymis.gov.in Posted: 07 Jan 2021 10:48 PM PST Central government had launched Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) Urban in 2015. This Housing For All Scheme aims to make housing accessible to all sections of the society at affordable rates. The last date to apply online for PMAY Urban Housing Scheme and to avail subsidy is 31 March 2022. However, last date for MIG (I & II) category under CLSS component of PMAY-U was 31 March 2019. People can now apply online for PMAY-U Scheme by filling the online application form at the official website pmaymis.gov.in. Moreover, people can also apply offline for PMAY Urban. Here we are providing you with the complete list of documents required, eligibility criteria and for PM Awas Yojana Urban 2021. People with aadhaar card can only fill PMAY U online application form online. Also check out the complete process of how to apply online for PM Awas Yojana Urban 2021 and get shelter of your own. It is important to note that people must check their eligibility criteria before making PMAY-U online registration and to include their Name in PMAY U beneficiary list. PM Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U) Online Application Form 2021Below is the complete process to apply online and fill PMAY Urban apply online form:- STEP 1: Firstly open the official PMAY website at https://pmaymis.gov.in/ and select one of the two options of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban application from "Citizen Assessment" menu, as given in the below screenshot. You have to select one of the two links as per the following criteria -- If you are currently living in slum area, then select "For Slum Dwellers" at https://pmaymis.gov.in/Open/Check_Aadhar_Existence.aspx?comp=a otherwise select "Benefits under other 3 Components" at https://pmaymis.gov.in/Open/Check_Aadhar_Existence.aspx?comp=b from the drop down menu. STEP 2: On the next page as seen below, you will have to enter your Aadhar number or Virtual ID and Name as per Aadhar Card and click the "Check" button. STEP 3: In case your Aadhar number is correct, a new page will open which will look like the below image. If your Aadhar number is incorrect, try again by entering your correct Aadhar number. If you do not have Aadhar number, you will not be able to apply for PMAY. STEP 4: Here candidates can enter all details correctly including your personal details, contact details, current residential address, Aadhar Number, Bank Account details and income details in the application form. STEP 5: Click the checkbox which says "I am aware of…." and then click the "Save" Button at the end of application form. STEP 6: Upon clicking at the "Save" button, you will see a new screen where a system generated application number will be given to you, you can either print this directly if a printer is attached with your computer or save it for your future reference. Your application is now complete. You can track status of PMAY application on the same website at pmaymis.gov.in. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban Apply Offline ProcessAll the interested individuals can even apply for PMAY Urban Scheme through offline mode. For this purpose, all the candidates can follow the steps mentioned below. To apply offline for PMAY Scheme, people needs to visit a Common Service Centre (CSC) made available by state and union territory governments. There, people need to fill up and submit the application form provided by the officials after paying Rs. 25 plus GST. It is important to note that no private entity / persons have been authorized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MOHUA) to collect this fee from any beneficiary under PM Awas Yojana Urban housing scheme. In case you have any further clarifications, you can call or write to: Raj Kumar Gautam, Director (HFA-5), Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Room Number 118, G Wing, NBO Building, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi - 110011. The official Telephone number is 011-23060484 or 011-23063285 while e-mail ID is public.grievance2022@gmail.com and pmaymis-mhupa@gov.in PMAY Urban List of Documents Required
As the deadline for MIG category people is already over, only EWS / LIG category people can apply online for PMAY Urban housing scheme. In case applicant has misrepresented facts or income, then granted loan would be cancelled and suitable legal action will be taken against them. PM Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY U) Eligibility CriteriaBefore applying for PM Awas Yojana Urban online, please make sure that -- You are eligible to apply for the scheme (Check your name in the PMAY beneficiary list). -- Aadhaar card is a mandatory document for PMAY Urban online application form. -- The applicant's computer must be connected to a reliable internet connection. -- The details of the saving bank account must be ready with the applicant. -- People must produce the actual details of their household income. Take Printout of PMAY Urban Online Application Form 2021You can take a printout of the PMAY online application form filled by you by entering your name, father name & ID type or just the application number. Click the link below to take print out of PMAY Urban application form. https://pmaymis.gov.in/Open/Print_Application_By_applicationNo.aspx PMAY-U Online Application Edit/Change/UpdateAfter submission of online application form on pmaymis.gov.in, you can also edit the details just by entering your application number and Aadhar number. The facility has been provided to the applicants in case they entered any detail incorrectly or wish to change their contact details. People can now edit PMAY Urban Assessment Form through the link below:- https://pmaymis.gov.in/Open/Format_A_B_Edit.aspx PMAY Urban online application form 2021 are easy to fill and provides applicants with hassle free user experience. Upon successful submission of PM Awas Yojana Urban online form, people can easily check it by tracking their PMAY-U application status online. |
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